The Enduring Connection: Jews and the Land of Israel

Yehoshua Rotschild
3 min readMar 3, 2024


The historical connection between the Jewish people and the land of Israel is a narrative deeply woven into the fabric of human history. In the wake of the tragic Hamas massacre on October 7, 2023, there has been a resurgence of narratives attempting to challenge this millennia-old bond, labeling Jews as “foreign occupiers” with no rightful claim to the land. These narratives, often rooted in political agendas, aim to undermine the legitimacy of the State of Israel by denying the Jewish people’s historical and spiritual ties to the land.

The continuous Jewish presence in the land of Israel, despite adversities and expulsions, stands as a testament to their unbreakable bond with this land. From the ancient kingdoms of Saul, David, and Solomon to the enduring significance of cities like Jerusalem, Hebron, Safed, and Tiberias, the Jewish connection to this land is undeniable. These places are not just historical footnotes but are central to Jewish religious, cultural, and national identity, imbued with thousands of years of history.

Jerusalem, the spiritual heart of Judaism, exemplifies the depth of this connection. The city, once the site of the great Temples, remains the focal point of Jewish prayer and longing. This enduring bond is manifested in daily prayers, religious practices, and cultural traditions that have kept the memory and significance of Jerusalem alive throughout the diaspora. The dream of returning to Jerusalem and the land of Israel has been a beacon of hope for Jews worldwide, guiding the Zionist movement’s efforts to re-establish their ancestral homeland.

The establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 was a historic moment of redemption, turning centuries of yearning into reality. Yet, the narrative of Jewish return and renewal in Israel is often overshadowed by modern political disputes. Acknowledging the historical connection of the Jewish people to the land of Israel is not just a matter of rectifying historical inaccuracies; it is crucial for understanding the complex tapestry of Middle Eastern history and for fostering dialogue based on mutual respect and truth. The Jewish connection to this land is a story of faith, resilience, and unending hope, a narrative that deserves recognition and respect in the discourse surrounding Israel and its people.

The Jewish people’s ancestral connection to the land of Israel is a cornerstone of their identity, deeply rooted in history, religion, and culture. Attempts to deny this connection not only distort historical truths but also hinder the path toward understanding and peace in the region. Recognizing this enduring bond is essential for any meaningful dialogue about the future of Israel and its place in the world. As we navigate the complexities of modern geopolitics, let us not lose sight of the profound ties that bind the Jewish people to this land, a reminder of the power of history and faith to shape our world.



Yehoshua Rotschild

Adventurer and traveller. An opinionated human being. #ProudlyJewish